Monday, February 3, 2014

Black History Month

Happy Monday! 

Or happy that it's over with :) Monday's are so hard..but once they are over, the week seems to fly by! Plus I get to watch Juan Pablo on the bachelor I'm happy!

Anyways, I wanted to share a couple things that I've done for MLK Day/Black History Month. You can find the following unit, along with book and website suggestions here: Black History Month

We started the unit by writing a dream that they have to make their community or country a better place. We continued learning about MLK by creating a "was had wanted" chart along with a circle map that listed facts we know about Dr. King. Then, we compared Ruby Bridges to ourselves, allowing us to see what it was like in her shoes. We wrote character traits about Rosa Parks, which was an easy transition from our Reader's Response character map. 

Lastly, we broke into groups and each received an important vocabulary word or person. I gave them a piece of paper that I framed with a sharpie and drew a few lines at the bottom. They needed to draw a picture and write a definition or explain the most important thing about that person. After this activity, we were ready to take our end of the unit quiz which is shown here. 

I hope some of these activities helped if you are struggling with ideas or just time! 

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